Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Classic iCarly Lineups

One of the many amazingly wonderful things about iCarly is that Nickelodeon shows at least a few episodes each day. So it becomes this exciting little game each day, what episodes are they going to play? It's a lot like listening to the radio, you root for your favorites get played, and for the eps I don't own or haven't watched a lot. It's pretty cool, sometimes themes arise, like a day of shipping episodes, or a day of season 1 episodes, or a day with an ep from each season.

I remember a couple perfect weekend lineups they had a month ago. But more recently, Nick has been playing some relatively weak lineups. It doesn't help that House of Anubis drained the weekday schedule and left it with less iCarlies per day. But now with Best Player coming up and House of Anubis over (I think), iCarly is back in full force and the first two schedules this week were so great I wanted to preserve them for posterity.

Monday, March 7th, 2011

4:30 -- iDon't Want to Fight
5:30 -- iWas a Pageant Girl
6:00 -- iGet Pranky
6:30 -- iTwins

Commentary: This is about as all-star of a lineup as possible. It's a hearty four eps, which is as much as you can get on a weekday. It perfectly represents one episode from each of the show's 4 seasons. iWas a Pageant Girl is among the top eps from Season 3 and iGet Pranky could well be Season 4's crowning achievement. And it contains two of the all-time most novel eps, the one with Sam's glorious twin sister, and iDon't Want To Fight -- what I consider to be the pinnacle Cam episode. Plus they're (intentionally) all Sam-heavy episodes, which is always most welcome (and perhaps quite preffered).

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

4:30 -- iPromote Tech-Foots
6:00 -- iBigfoot
7:00 -- iSam's Mom

Commentary: Few things could compete with the Monday schedule but this was still a fantastic lineup. Again it starts off with a Season 1 ep, this time another of my faves, the hilarious iPromote Tech-Foots. Then another of my all-time favorite season 3 episodes, iBigfoot, finished with Season 4's iSam's Mom which isn't really one of my favorites but is fantastic none the less.

My Turn

Picking favorite episodes is very diffuclt for me. I don't allow myself to overplay iCarly, so that it stays fucking amazing and keeps blowing me away every fucking day. As a result I don't have encylopedic familiarity with each ep, so ranking them is difficult. The quest is "burdened" further by the fact that most of the episodes are freaking fantastic, and the others are still pretty good. But I can extrapolate some themes. Here are, using the same weekday format from above, my picks as would-be Nickelodeon programming director.

"Ship Day"

4:30 -- iDon't Want to Fight
5:30 -- iKiss
6:00 -- iThink They Kissed
6:30 -- iSaved Your Life

"Season's Bests (more or less)"

4:30 -- iWanna Stay With Spencer
5:30 -- iMust Have Locker 239
6:00 -- iHave My Principals
6:30 -- iSell Penny Tees

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