Thursday, December 30, 2010

Shippin' Fools

Disclaimer: This post is purely in good fun. Anyone should realize that there are a million and one reasons why someone would ship one couple or another, and merely favoring a particular couple has no direct link to any aspect of anyone's personality or their life-experience. Also the "Shippin' Fools" title is just a pun, I'm a shipper m'self.

Truth be known, I never gave a thought to iCarly couples until very recently. It's funny because I look back on the big "shipping" scenes like the ones that "prove" one character likes another. And now I realize how obvious these scenes are, but before I was just totally oblivious, like "duurr... they're just friends." But I guess being oblivious to things is one my objectives in life, so...

Here's what I think about the different (main) couples, or rather... what I think each of these couples MEANS, man. It's deep n stuff.

Carly & Freddie ("Creddie")

People who ship Carly & Freddie are traditionalists in a certain sense. Romantics at heart. They believe that unrequited love can become requited, and that pining for someone over the course of years (in classic Gatsby fashion) is endearing rather than depressing, demeaning, or unhealthy. They're probably people who either have someone they themselves hopelessly pine for (like Freddie), or they dream of having someone hopelessly pine for them, because they're worth it, damn it! (which is, I'm sure, how Carly feels.)

Sam & Freddie ("Seddie")

People who ship Sam & Freddie believe that passion and fire are more important in a relationship than petty little things like being nice or civil to each other. They see through the tumultuous facade and understand that Sam's cruelty is her way of crying out for love and appreciation (potentially). They're quite possibly people who are simultaneously too proud and too shy to let their true feelings out.

Carly & Sam ("Cam")

Camfans value closeness and synergy in a relationship. They see Sam and Carly's close-knit friendship as the ideal building-block to a strong romance. They're idyllic to a fault, falling for the classic concept that best friends make the best couples. They're quite possibly in love with their best friend, or emotionally stunted enough to seek comfort from what's close and familiar rather than venturing out into the wide world of possible romances.

Sam & Gibby ("Sibby")

People who favor the Sam & Gibby pairing are total individualists. They see that Sam and Gibby are both social misfits in their own way. A Sibbster is decisive. They don't bother with complex love triangles, they find love where they can.

Melanie & Freddie ("Meddie")

Meddie shippers are a fickle and illustrious bunch. They're willing to think outside the box, but they prefer things on the safe side. Melanie already likes Freddie, unambiguously. These shippers might be people who like things to be a little special and unique, but not off-putting or adventurous.

I'm a Cam shipper myself. I mean, it's a no brainer, as they're my favorite characters. And aside from their obvious chemistry, they're just the best for each other. They need each other because their divergent personalities balance each other out, without the vicious turmoil you get between Sam & Freddie. However, as I watch the show more, Seddie starts to seem like a pretty good option, they could be very good with each other. Nothing matches Cam, but Seddie & Meddie are definitely decent. Even Creddie's not bad. And ideologically I appreciate Sibby a lot.


  1. This is actually a good idea. If it were more robust, it could be like a good sociological experiment or something.

    On the other hand, these totally sound like the results to one of those web quizzes - Which iCarly Ship Are You?

  2. I honestly did consider transferring this into an internet quiz. But I felt my work on the subject wasn't definitive enough. I've only just begun paying attention to the personlities of these charaters, I used to just watch and laugh at the jokes.

    I'd like to believe that there'd be no conclusive results from a genuine sociological study of iCarly shippers. Because why you ship a couple is completely wide open. It could be the couple you most relate to, or the couple you least relate to but aspire towards, or just the coupling that makes you laugh, or the couple with the most attractive people in it, or a million other reasons.

    But knowing sociological studies, I'm sure they'd find some links.

  3. P.S. I hate internet explorer. For some reason it doesn't read my typing very well, it misses a lot of letters that I type. But for some reason Opera isn't working with Blogger at the moment.

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