Friday, June 26, 2015

Madoka Musica

I'm not as adept at it as I am with my two other extremely bizarre hobbies (TV network programming and composing concert setlists), but another thing I like to do is make playlists inspired by stories -- generally books, but sometimes such as in this case. Madoka Magica is an incredible TV series which deconstructs the "Magical Girl" genre in a sinister and compelling way. I was thrilled to put together a ersatz soundtrack to this show.

1. I Wish... -- Drain STH

A wish can be a powerful thing. This late-90s all-female grunge band serves up the classic desire ("I wish that I could hold you...") with several heaps of self-loathing. Its dark demeanor and all-fated tone makes it fit pretty well for our ill-fated heroes.

2. Magic -- The Pussycat Dolls

It's surprisingly hard to find an appropriate song about magic. I did consider Black Magic Woman, but -- whatever the sinister implications -- it's downright wrong to call Magical Girl magic Black Magic. Magical Girl magic is pink magic. Stylistically this Pussycat Dolls song is not what I would have wanted, but lyrically it works well enough. It hints at Kyoko's advice to Sayaka about not giving a single Fuck and using her magic to break Kyousuke's legs and force him to love her.

3. Season of the Witch -- Donovan

The very first song I think of when I think of any potential Madoka Magica playlist. Shit's gettin' weird out here... must be a witch about!

4. Zombie -- The Cranberries

This alternative 90s jam just kicks ass, first of all. More importantly, it's a perfect nod to the moment of disillusion for our heroes and Sayaka's loss of faith due to her status as a "zombie." Plus its war torn imagery quite matches the bloodsoaked witch battles.

5. Time Machine -- Ingrid Michaelson

Most songs about time travel center on wanting to stop onesself from ruining a good relationship. Ingrid's take fits our story perfectly because it's the opposite, Ingrid wants a time machine so she can go back and tell herself to run, and never get involved in the first place. Well I'll be, that was precisely Homura's intention with her own time travel abilities.

6. Magia -- Kalafina

Couldn't help but to put this on here. This is the song from the show that plays whenever shit gets real.

7. Walpurgisnacht -- Bunker 66

There are many songs named Walpurgisnacht. But as you'd expect, most of them are new age fluff. This is the only one I can find which so much as hints at the inherent dread and destruction necessary for a beast like Walpurgisnacht.

8. Flirting With Time -- Tom Petty

I couldn't help but to include this underrated Petty gem (off one of his lesser records). The tone maybe cheery but it actually hits on the predicament our characters are facing very well, detailing apocalyptic visions of shadow men and an inevitable showdown. Can't help but to think of Madoka when I hear "a flash of light reminded me of you." "I've done all I can do, now it's up to you" seems to mirror the scene where Madoka gives her last grief seed up to Homura and enlists her to go back in time and stop the apocalypse.

9. Child in Time -- Deep Purple

One of the only songs in history cool enough to epitomize Akemi Homura, one of the coolest characters in history. Plus the idea of a blind man firing wildly into a crowd seems like the clear work of a witch's curse. On a deeper level metaphorically you could compare it to Homura's haphazard approach to changing history (basically just trying anything, fucking it all up and then trying again), and the ominous 'ricochete' we're listening for could be the reverberations felt throughout eternity when Homura's activity imbues Madoka with godly powers.

10. I Did It All For You -- Cowboy Junkies

Akemi Homura didn't transverse space and time to save humanity or protect the world. She did it all for one person, she did it all for Madoka. Cowboy Junkies' whispered dirge, dark and haunting and almost disturbing, matches both the content of Homura's intent, and the grim reality of re-experiencing the brutal massacre of your friends a dozen-plus times.

11. Remember Me As a Time Of Day -- Explosions in the Sky

Explosions in the Sky actually have a number of time-themed songs I could have chosen, but this one hits on a more unique concept: Madoka's transformation from girl to force of nature, law of physics, inherent aspect of space-time -- whatever the heck you want to call. "Remember Me As a Time of Day" seems to allude to this transcendence, as well as the vague, almost imperceptible way that Madoka's memory still has imprinted itself slightly unto the world, where her brother is able to conceive of her.

12. Alchemy -- Kyler England

This is Madoka's tune. "If I were a master of alchemy, I'd change everything, I'd make all the broken things beautiful." Its wistful but uplifting demeanor holds true to Madoka's bittersweet journey in becoming a force of nature and its message encapsulates Madoka's reparative mission to heal all the wounds of the world.

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