Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wizards of Waverly Place, we hardly knew ye.

Wizards of Waverly Place. October 12, 2007 – January 6, 2012 
Rest In Peace

Yesterday, the series finale of Wizards of Waverly Place aired. This is no time to be sad, it's the time to celebrate how good of a show it was. For any show to last this long is impressive, but especially in the kid & teen market where turnover can be markedly extreme. Yet I can't help but to feel a bit of regret, since I was really just beginning to get into this show. When I started watching Disney Channel again, WOWP was this modern legend, with a hefty and respected reputation -- and ironically, that turned me off from it, since I'm more interested in exploring exciting new things. With over a hundred episodes and a TV movie, I didn't know where to start, but the more I saw of it, the better and better it got. With fun plotlines and a handful of excellent recurring characters, it's not the first super-power themed sitcom but it may well be the best of its ilk. Disney doesn't release many DVDs of their shows, so if I want to continue exploring Wizards I'll have to do so on the computer. But it was a great show and I'm happy I was around to see it the curtain call.

When I returned to Disney Channel last year, they were just about finished showing Hannah Montana reruns. Which means we should have about 6 months left to enjoy Wizards before it's gone forever! Gone into our memories, that is. And... the internet. Bye, Wizards! <3

Goodbye, Wizards of Waverly Place! We will miss you.

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