Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Movie Marathons

As you *might* have realized, I harbor a deep, pervasive love of television. And over the years, this has translated into a genuine interest in the art of television programming. So, seeing as how it's Halloween-time and all, I figured I would compose the ultimate blocks for all my favorite scary movies, c/o all-night Halloween-weekend horror marathons.

Each night begins with a brutal primer at 6pm (the witching dinner hour), followed by a solid block of theme from 8 until 4am featuring four of my all-time favorite films... one traditional classic, usually one from After Dark's now defunct but gorgeous Horror Fest series, then two from my favorite genre, found footage. Then I took the liberty of affixing each theme with an atmospherically similar episode of the found footage show Lost Tapes, and topped it all off with a non-theme horror flick of a much more light-hearted nature to carry us into the early morning. Except for Halloween, which I decided to make extra-scary...


6pm: The Company of Wolves
8: Fire in the Sky
10: Communion
12: Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County
2: The Wicksboro Incident
4: Lost Tapes: Alien
4.30: Ginger Snaps


6pm: The Gate
8: 28 Days Later
10: Perkins' 14
12: [Rec]
2: [Rec] 2
4: Lost Tapes: Bear Lake Monster
4.30: Pinata: Survival Island

Devil's Night

6pm: Jacob's Ladder
8: Carnosaur
10: Penny Dreadful
12: The Blair Witch Project
2: Eyes in the Dark
4: Lost Tapes: Jersey Devil
4.30: The Craft


6pm: Trick 'r Treat
8: From Within
10: Paranormal Activity 2
12: Paranormal Activity
2: Lake Mungo
4: Lost Tapes: Vampire
4.30: Ghostwatch

Enjoy!! Now if only I had my own TV station...

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