And trust me, it was hard narrowing it down to 15. There are so many good ones. I wanted to do a top 30. But that would be unwieldy.
^^ "This is the face I made when I found out it takes 6 months to get your driver's license."
^^ The band. I can't wait to meet her in person!!
^^ Almost classical. Clearly Victoria is the one who should be in the portrait, not whoever that other girl is.
^^ I like to imagine that crusing in a DeLorean, with a Hover Board, is just an average night for Jennette McCurdy.
^^ I like this 'cause she's in the car cruisin' and hanging out some random night and she doesn't provide any explanation other than "<3" Like... what does she love, herself? The car? The American Night? <3
^^ Heh, love the meta. And it was cool how excited she was to have found this poster.
^^ awww.... I love fried chicken. Big iCarly fans here. I wanna be that cool.
^^ (from MiranCoz) "Walking in the mountains in the dark and noticed this sign..." So not only does she notice aliens, but she likes walking in the mountains in the dark! *swoon*
^^ I love when MiranCoz tweets about her education. It fascinates me, kinda autonomous too don't you think? She almost looks like Jackie Burkhart here, if you ask me.
^^ from Victoria Justice: "About to do our run through of this weeks episode! Dora's excited..." The most endearingly, adorably, quirky and crazy-as-hell thing I've ever read.
^^ Being famous, young, and beautiful will get you absolutely ANYWHERE. True story.
^^ She is simply the BEST at facial expressions, period. So emotive! Apparently this strawberry is bittersweet like the last day of summer, and arriving upon this revelation disgusts her a little bit.
^^ This is just so cool. She looks like Vicious from Cowboy Bebop. Also, she admittedly doesn't remember the circumstances of this picture coming into being.
^^ This pic makes me feel close to Miranda Cosgrove. Like, literally.
^^ Victoria Justice. One of the cutest pictures I've ever seen of anybody. I think of this picture whenever I hear Neil Young's song "Natural Beauty."
^^ Jennette goes shopping... finds herself face to face with herself. So meta! Ahaha. And I honestly can't even conceive of how darling Jennette looks here. I mean, what the? I can't even handle it. I kind of want to pat her on the head
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