Monday, January 6, 2014

Z vs. Kai -- In the Numbers

I wanted to see exactly how everything breaks down, so I counted the actual numbers per story arc for both Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Kai.

__The Saiyan Saga__

Z total: 36 episodes (1 - 36)
Kai total: 17 episodes (1 - 17)

- The Fight Against Nappa & Vegeta, in Z: 15 episodes (22 - 36)
- The Fight Against Nappa & Vegeta, in Kai: 9 episodes (9 - 17)

__The Namek Arc__

Z total: 24 episodes (37 - 60)
Kai total: 10 episodes (18 - 27)

-- Space Adventures, in Z: 7 (37 - 43)
-- Space Adventures, in Kai: 1 episode (18)

__Ginyu Arc__

Z total: 16 episodes (61 - 76)
Kai total: 9 episodes (28 - 36)

__The Freezer Fight__

Z total: 31 episodes (77 - 107)
Kai total: 18 episodes (37 - 54)

- Holding Freeza at Bay, in Z: 10 episodes (77 - 86)
- Holding Freeza at Bay, in Kai: 6 episodes (37 - 42)

-- Freeza vs. Goku, in Z: 19 episodes (87 - 105)
-- Freeza vs. Goku, in Kai: 11 episodes (43 - 53)

--- Total Namek Saga, in Z: 72 episodes (37 - 108)
--- Total Namek Saga, in Kai: 36 episodes (18 - 55)

__Garlic Jr. Arc__

In Z: 10 episodes (108 - 117)
In Kai: 0 episodes

__Cell Saga__

Z total: 77 episodes (118 - 194)
Kai total: 44 episodes (55 - 98)

-- Android Arc, in Z: 22 episodes (118 - 139)
-- Android Arc, in Kai: 13 episodes (55 - 67)

--- Conflict with Cell, in Z: 55 episodes (140 - 194)
--- Conflict with Cell, in Kai: 31 episodes (68 - 98)

As you can see, there really is a massive amount of filler being removed here, and yet you're losing very little of substance. A few arguably worthwhile subplots have been done away with, but the vast, overwhelming majority of cuts are to moments of pure fluff that I can't imagine much of anyone lamenting the loss of. A lot of continuity issues are resolved as well.

I'm a little wary looking at the numbers for the Cell Saga, though. They cut the Saiyan Saga by 53% and the Namek Saga by exactly half, but they only cut the Cell Saga down by 43% if I did the math right (which I almost certainly did not). If anything, I would want them to cut the Cell Saga down more than the Namek and Saiyan Sagas. 

But, I guess it's possible the first two sagas had more filler, I don't know off hand and it'd be near-impossible to calculate it exactly (because it's not just about filler episodes, but about stalling & etc. within each episode). In any case, Kai has impressed me so much thus far, I'm sure they'll impress me again with the Cell Saga. And worse case scenario... who cares if they didn't cut enough from the Cell Saga? They did impeccable work on the best part of Z and that's all they needed to do in the first place.


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