Let's start with what this film is not. If you're hoping for a smart, grounded science-fiction thriller like the original Jurassic Park from 1993, temper your expectations quite severely. Jurassic Park was astounding in part because it's one of the more realistic science fiction films in the collective canon and it has a broader point to make about technology and progress, as most good sci-fi does. Like Gattaca or District 9 it deviates from our real world only when necessary and only by extrapolating what's genuinely possible given existing technology and modern mores. Jurassic World... doesn't do that. It's more in line with Jurassic Park's two previous sequels, where the dinosaurs are mere movie monsters and the chase is the whole of the point, there's no broader issue here.
The cloning of dinosaurs isn't technically plausible due to the half-life of DNA, but there are already companies who are, today, this very moment actively pursuing the creation of dinosaur-like creatures through DNA manipulation. Hey, that kind of sounds like the gene-splicing plot of Jurassic World! But, alas, they don't really run with the premise, and it's left strictly up to the audience to connect those dots if they want any potential food for thought. Well... to be honest, there are a couple of good ideas. It's just that their impact is mired by the cheesiness that surrounds them.
Secondly, if you're hoping to gawk intently for a couple of hours at world-class special effects which wondrously bring to life creatures that exist mainly in our dreams and nightmares, like the groundbreaking work done for the original Jurassic Park, you're going to want to rent Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, because you won't get that from Jurassic World. I don't even begin to comprehend how a massive blockbuster like this can get off the cutting room floor with such unrealistic looking CGI. Wasn't someone in charge, wasn't there someone to answer to? But whatever the reason, don't expect to watch Jurassic World and think it looks real. The animals don't.
The saddest part on the FX front was the T-Rex, which supposedly (though unconfirmed) is the original Rex from Jurassic Park. To see him look so shoddy after he looked so real in the original was depressing. The explosions, though, are pretty awesome. The explosion budget must have been significantly higher than the dinosaur budget.
Also, no dilophosaurus. So minus 3,000 points.
So that covers what the film isn't. What the film is, on the other hand, is one heck of a decent action movie, with some well-placed nostalgia fodder and some surprisingly lovable characters. Sure, the dialogue by and large is atrocious. But I found Claire to be both cool and endearing, and it's truly great to finally have a woman take what is probably the lead role in a JP film. And Lowerry, the sardonic operator wearing his taboo Jurassic Park shirt on the day that shit happens to hit the fan at Jurassic World, from his very first moment he establishes himself as the audience's surrogate -- he's the guy saying what we're thinking. And that's clever, that's meta. His mere presence raised the film up a peg or two, by putting it a little closer to the film it clearly should have been.
And what do I mean by that? Jurassic World suffers from a clear conflict of goal, a split-personality. Does it want to be a serious Jurassic Park film, or does it want to be an ingenious satire ala The Cabin in the Woods? The film could go either way: there are genuinely great scenes in a serious Jurassic Park vein, and there are genuinely great scenes in a satirical way. And then there are a lot of scenes that are terrible if you're taking them seriously, but great if you're taking them as self-aware or tongue-in-cheek.
On the serious side, we get to see what a fully-functioning park would look like, and it's a pretty impressive sight. I enjoyed the early portion of the film detailing the technical aspects of day to day park operation, and Claire's involvement in the management thereof, as much as anything else in the film. You also have a couple really scary dinosaur moments that would work great in a proper Jurassic Park sequel. Dr. Henry Wu explains himself pretty well when detailing the creation of the I-Rex and there's a lot of legitimately interesting content for a sequel to explore. They did a good job of setting up a world for Jurassic World, something you don't see much of in the last two Jurassic Park movies. One thing I definitely have to say for the film is that it leaves me excited for a sequel, because the ideas they had on the backburner for this one are the ideas that are actually interesting!
On the tongue-in-cheek side, you have plenty of the most ridiculous scenes in any Jurassic Park film -- and yes, that includes defeating raptors with gymnastics from The Lost World, and the talking raptor from Jurassic Park III. I won't spoil any of JW's scenes here but there are several times when any conscious person is bound to roll their eyes. But what's so intriguing about that stuff is that there were also some highly notable trope-subversions here, some really well-done ones. Almost as if they understood what they were doing. Which points even more strongly to the possibility of Jurassic World being a tongue-in-cheek masterpiece. With a lot more self-awareness, the cheesy scenes would cease to be merely cheesy and they would rise up to the level of fuckin' awesome mayhem, knowingly executed to action trope perfection just like the gratuitous bloodshed bonanza you get from any Quentin Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez film. And there's definitely a strain of that running through this film. It's just, sadly, not allowed to come to the forefront, so you leave the movie wondering whether it was supposed to be stupid on purpose or not.
Final prognosis: You're going to need to see this movie in a theater that serves alcohol. Because the dumber you are, and the drunker you are, the more in love with this film you'll be. And I don't necessarily mean that in a bad way. Jurassic World is fucking awesome. It's full of bad one-liners and likable characters and, heck, there's a brilliant film hidden in there. Just be sure you go into it the right way, and with the right accoutrements. Get drunk. Maybe get stoned. Go into this film like you would Machete 3: Dinosaur Island. And you won't be disappointed. But go into this film expecting it to be the worthy successor we've been hoping for since 1993, and you'll be scratching your head.
Honestly, as a Jurassic Park sequel, it's not bad. It's about on par with the other two sequels, probably better than The Lost World. It's just, after such a long wait, and after Colin Trevorrow's passionate resolve to return to the majesty of the original, we were expecting something on a higher tier. Instead we got something very comparable to the other sequels, and not at all like the original classic.
Warning: this comment contains spoilers.
ReplyDeleteI read as far as the second sentence of your preface before seeing the movie, and got worried that it wasn't going to be very good, after all. Maybe that actually tempered my expectations for the better, because when I finally saw it, I didn't think it was bad at all.
I was worried in the opening scene with the hatching raptors that the CGI was going to be terrible, but I quickly became acclimated to it, and it didn't bother me the rest of the movie. I can certainly sympathize with a CG-hating complaint, but weren't you the one who thought Pinata: Survival Island was awesome? :p
True, there was no real dilophosaurus, but I was really happy that the spitter made at least a cameo appearance in holographic form near the end. I enjoyed that.
But most of all, I was just really excited that they finally brought the Carnotaurus from the book version of The Lost World to the big screen. I've been waiting for that for twenty years!
I don't think there can really be another Jurassic Park in the sense of what the original Jurassic Park was, but I thought Jurassic World did a pretty good job of bringing the premise back, in a way that the other sequels maybe didn't do so well.
And while I agree that the science in the first movie was one of its main draws (thanks to Michael Crichton's source material), I did enjoy what science was included in this movie. In particular, even if it acts as a write-off, I liked the subtle inclusion of an explanation for why the dinosaurs look the way they do (and aren't feathered, among other historical inaccuracies). And maybe it's because I recently read an article in Popular Science about de-extinction, but I wasn't too bothered by the lack of detail provided in the movie.
Plus, you still have a moral in there - mankind's endless hunger for greater spectacle leads to a creature even worse than the T-Rex and raptors from the first Jurassic Park. Jurassic World isn't the terrifying thriller that Jurassic Park was, but we live in a world twenty years removed from JP, and I thought it was a good movie for this generation. The dinosaurs weren't the unequivocal threats they were in JP, but even when cooperating with humans they were still dangerous.
Yeah, there was a little bit of a cheese factor involved, but as a longtime Jurassic Park fan, I have to admit that the T-Rex/raptor tag team was a heartfelt climax (even if I was rooting for the I-Rex). In short, it may not rival the legacy of the original Jurassic Park, but I thought it was a fun movie, and a worthy sequel, given the difficulty of capturing lightning twice.
I don't hate CG at all. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, that film looked gorgeous. Game of Thrones -- amazing CGI dragons. The CG in Jurassic World is just objectively atrocious. Even for the other bad Jurassic Park films, at least you get to gawk at awesome dinosaurs. How can the dinosaurs look less real now than they did in 2001, 1997 and even 1993??
ReplyDeleteThe difference with Pinata Island is that that's a "get drunk and laugh" movie, which is what JW should have strived for, 'cause it could have been an all-time great, 10/10 film in that category.
A lot of my consternation comes from following this film in production for a long time. The things they hinted at, teased, and promised us made it seem like a higher tier than the action flick we got. It's not impossible to strike lightning twice, many franchises have done it. Star Wars, Hunger Games, Batman, X-Men, Aliens, Evil Dead, Rocky, Dawn of the Dead, Paranormal Activity, Indiana Jones, New Nightmare, Terminator, Godfather... etc. Genetic engineering is more a reality today than ever before so there's so much content they could put into these movies if they really tried to write a smart script -- and for the record Wu's part was probably the best in the film, hopefully there's much more of him to come.
There's just so much more that this film could, and should, have been. I intend to go see it again this weekend drunk off my ass and appreciate it the way it deserves. Because it is indeed a great action flick. It's just not a worthy successor to the original. And honestly it's not even the best JP sequel IMO. It IS however, better than Avengers 2.
I hate a lot of movies the first time I see them so I do think I'll like it a lot more this time.
Watch megashare9 online free now. In the new movie, the villains created the Indoraptor with propaganda and propagated it as a weapon in the war. However, this creature exits and scares horrifically. Indoraptor's chasing, hunting prey is the highlight of the film's action.
ReplyDeleteThe 10-ton triceratops are familiar in the series. Despite its scary appearance, they are gentle and herbivorous, using only their horns to fight off hunters (usually T-rex). In life, this is one of the species most fossil found.
The creature is a carnivorous dinosaur that has just appeared in the last two films, with a pair of small horns called Carnotaurus. With a small skull leading to a strong bite, this species is not strong enough to attack large herbivore dinosaurs. The Carnotaurus preyed on small prey because of his strong legs and high speed. In the Fallen Kingdom, a Carnotaurus attacks Owen's team when the volcano erupts but is destroyed by T-rex.
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